Active shooter pertains to everyday life form your place of work to places we go on a day to day basis. In today’s world we should know what to do and not do when an active threat breaks out. In this seminar we will put our skills to the test and give you the resources needed to deal with the situation.
Subjects covered Include

1. Situational awareness, Identifying alternate exits, Identifying areas and items that can be used for concealment and cover, Defendable positions, Stop the bleeding, Evacuation of injured vs leaving injured behind, Evacuation techniques, Disarming techniques, Communication with Law Enforcement.

The course will have many real life Scenario Drills, that will help you put these new skills to use and solidify them.

This course is put on by Arkansas Tactical Options and is designed to better prepare you for the realistic wordily threats you could face in your place of worship. Continuing Education or Post Credits can be given for some individuals

Multi Class Discount